January 4, 202512:00 pm - 2:30 pm The DAAC, 1553 Plainfield Ave NE #4, Grand Rapids, MI 49505, USA
The GRDSA meets the first Saturday each month to join in community with our comrades and discuss chapter business. The meeting is proceeded by Social Hour, 12-1 pm. The meeting starts at 1 pm.
RSVP: grdsa.org/rsvp Zoom is available for folks who cannot make it in person.
The Steering Committee meets twice a month on Zoom. The first meeting focuses on member engagement. Typically, the first Wednesday following the Chapter Meeting.
You do not need to be on the Steering Committee to attend.
"We’re going to need all hands on deck to organize in support and defense of migrant communities, neighbors, and co-workers in 2025 under an authoritarian and anti-immigrant government that has promised attacks on migrant workers as its flagship domestic policy agenda. The International Migrant Rights Working Group is building an organizing support program to train and support DSA chapters that are interested in doing local migrant rights organizing work.
"Join us on Sunday January 12th at 8pm EST as we launch our organizing toolkit and hear from migrant rights organizers about the work that is ahead- with special guests presenting on sanctuary unions and the role of migrant rights in our fights for universal housing, healthcare, and social services.
Strategic Campaigns Training provided by DSA Field Organizer on Zoom.
We'll go through the process of how to best choose and execute campaigns that will build long-term power for DSA & the working class. We will learn key questions to ask when planning a campaign and tools to assess your campaign plan for maximum impact.
This training will take the place of our regular Political Action Working Group meeting.
"Our third mass discussion meeting of Capital, Parts V, VI, and 'part' of VII (new translation), all of VII in the old: 'The Production of Absolute and Relative Surplus Value,' and 'Wages,' and (part of) Capital's Process of Accumulation.' We hope to see you there! RSVP for more info"
The Steering Committee meets twice a month on Zoom. The second meeting focuses on setting the Agenda for the next Chapter Meeting. Typically, the Wednesday one-and-a-half weeks before the next Chapter Meeting.
You do not need to be on the Steering Committee to attend.
Hover over or tap on events to read the event’s description. Click “See more details” to open in Google Calendar where you can add the event to your own calendar.
All of the events listed above are open to the public. Most of the events are hosted by the GRDSA but we also promote events for other groups.